
Chu Se – Kampong Thom Rubber Joint Stock Company has been investing in rubber plantation and processing in the Kingdom of Cambodia since 2009 through two subsidiaries: C.R.C.K.2 Aphivath Caoutchouc Co., Ltd and Bean Heack Investment Co., Ltd. The headquarters is located in Popok Commune, Stoung District, Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia.

16268.68 ha
Total area of rubber trees under exploitation
30000 tons/year
Record breaking tapping rubber compared to industry peers in 2024
95 %
Land utilization rate
32400 tons/year
The processing plant has the highest capacity of any in the industry.
VILAS Certificate
The first laboratory in Cambodia to achieve Villas certification
PEFC certificate
The first company in Cambodia receives PEFC CoC.


With advanced manufacturing technology and stringent quality control processes, we are committed to delivering rubber products that meet international standards, ensuring durability, elasticity, and versatility for a wide range of industrial applications

Chư Sê – Kampong Thom Rubber Joint Stock Company is committed to achieving a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social responsibility

Combining international best practices in forest management and rubber production with a commitment to social responsibility, we have invested in building schools and health clinics for our employees and the local community.


The Chu Se Kampong Thom Rubber Tennis Tournament is full of energy and excitement

CSVNO – To promote a healthy lifestyle and strengthen camaraderie among employees, the Chu Se Kampong Thom Rubber Company's Trade…

Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung has been officially appointed as the CEO of Chu Se – Kampong Thom Rubber Jsc.

CSVNO – Ngày 21/10, Công ty CPCS Chư Sê Kampong Thom đã tổ chức Lễ công bố quyết định về…

VRG Proactively Adapts to EU Deforestation Regulation

CSVNO – VRG announced its alignment with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) at a ceremony held on December 3rd for…

Oxfam Cambodia gives a thumbs up to Chư Sê Kampong Thom Rubber Company for its community outreach efforts

Chư Sê Kampong Thom Rubber Company hosted a community engagement event in Cambodia on October 19th, bringing together over 250…